“I am pleased to say the part of Spacegirl
Selina will go to...”
Lily’s heart was thumping.
“...Rose Bates!” As a girl across the room
jumped up and down and squealed in delight,
Lily hung her head in disappointment.
“Don’t worry, the rest of you,” said the
director. “You’re all going to be alien dancers.
Well done, Lily. I loved your somersaults!”
“How did you do?” asked Lily's mother,
when Lily got home.
“Badly,” said Lily. “I wanted to be Spacegirl Selina, but I’m only a dancing alien.”
“That’s OK,” said her mother. “I’m sure you’ll be the best dancing alien in the show.”
Lily shook her head.
At the first rehearsal, Rose Bates looked so proud on the stage, like the star she was.
Lily felt terribly jealous listening to Rose practice her many lines.
The aliens had to crawl out of holes and dance. Lily thought it was a silly dance. She had to
move her arms and legs in a weird way and make funny bleeping sounds.
Every day there were rehearsals, and every night in bed,
Lily dreamed about the show. In her dreams, she was Spacegirl
Selina, and everyone was clapping and cheering. In her dreams,
Rose Bates was an alien who lived in a hole.
At one rehearsal, everyone was given their
costumes. Rose’s costume was beautiful, silver
and shiny. Lily’s costume was green and slimy.
She thought she looked horrible.
Lily felt like giving up being in the show.
She hated being an alien, she hated doing
the silly dance and most of all she hated her
horrible costume. If only she could be Selina!
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